Master 2 Plastics design and processing

A professional experience in the polymer industry
The polymer industry offers a limitless professional universe. In everyday life as well as in the high-tech sectors, polymeric materials (plastics) are involved in all the major technological challenges and advances of our time (nanotechnologies, high-tech materials that are more efficient, resistant and smart, biocompatible materials…)
The Master 2 Plastics design and processing is a sandwich course, combining 14 weeks of courses at the University, and 38 weeks in apprenticeship. The language of the courses is French.

16 students are recruited after the validation of the 1st year of Master of Sciences (MSc), with specialties in Materials, Chemistry, Physics or Engineering.
Place and professors
- University Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne
- Academics from the University Saint-Etienne
- Experts from the Industry
The diploma of Master of Science (MSc) is delivered by the University Jean Monnet after the validation of the training. It corresponds to 5 years of academic training or 300 ECTS.

The Master aims at preparing scientific executives in the plastics industry who will be able to contribute their skills in the fields of polymer material design, rheology and plastics processing.
These future professionals will be able to:
Design and master the development of new polymeric materials and polymer processing in an industrial environment.
Lead a project in the development and processing of a polymer material in order to control their properties and behavior.
Provide added value requested by industry thanks to their knowledge of the characterization and understanding of the rheological behavior of polymeric materials.
To carry out a technological watch on the research and development of new materials and processing and to propose innovative solutions.
- Knowledge of polymer materials: chemistry, physics, rheology
- Knowledge of plastics processing: operation, management, optimization, quality
- Knowledge of the fields of application
- Expertise in chemical, physical and mechanical characterization techniques of polymeric materials
- Designing of the processes for polymeric materials development
- Defining actions to be implemented to choose, to develop and/or to optimize a design or processing for an object or an application
- Technological watch on R&D
- Project management
- Utilization of codes and tools for communication and team management
- Professional communication in English
The Master plastics design and processing offers 8 courses. Fourteen weeks (400 hrs) of courses are taught at the University, spread on 4 periods of three weeks (except the last, of four weeks). Thirty-eight weeks are allocated to apprenticeship.
Scientific Knowledge
UE 1 Plastics processing
- 90 hrs – 9 ECTS
UE 2 Simulation tools
- 80 hrs – 9 ECTS
UE 3 Scientific tools for engineer
- 40 hrs – 6 ECTS
UE 4 Formulation, Rheology, Mixing in plastics processing
- 30 hrs – 3 ECTS
UE 5 Flow modeling
- 20 hrs – 3 ECTS
Transversal skills
UE 6 Project management and communication
- 20 hrs – 4 ECTS
UE 7 English
- 30 hrs – 3 ECTS
Implementation of skills
UE 8 Tutored project
- 90 hrs – 5 ECTS
UE 9 Apprenticeship
- 38 weeks – 21 ECTS
Jean-Charles MAJESTÉ
Head of M2 Plastics design and processing
University Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
University Jean Monnet
23, Rue du Dr Paul Michelon
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2