Master 2 Advanced 3D/2D Materials and Processes

A Professional experience at the heart of training

The Master 2 Advanced 3D/2D Materials and Processes is a sandwich course, combining 14 weeks of courses at the University, and 38 weeks in apprenticeship. The language of the courses is French.
16 students are recruited after the validation of the 1st year of Master of Sciences (MSc), with specialties in Materials, Chemistry, Physics or Engineering.
Place and professors
- University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, on the Campus La Doua in Villeurbanne
- Academics from the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- Experts from the Industry
The diploma of Master of Science (MSc) is delivered by the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 after the validation of the training. It corresponds to 5 years of academic training or 300 ECTS.
The Master aims at preparing scientific executives able to:
Master the materials/processes/properties chain with a specific focus on emerging processes for the design of products, considering industrial requirements.
Develop, design and combine new materials and processes to reduce the environmental impact considering the whole chain going from materials to processing and end life of products, while keeping the quality of production at the highest level.
Characterize the materials behavior and properties at each processing step.
Carry out a technological watch on the research and development of new materials and processes and propose innovative solutions.
Demonstrate the scientific knowledge and know-how that are essential for applying to an industrial PhD program.

- Designing of the processes, including innovative processes for materials development in the field of blends, (nano)composites, porous structures and functional surfaces
- Performing product design considering the materials properties, the process and processing conditions, and the targeted product functional properties
- Mastering and selecting material characterization techniques for each step of the process
- Proposition of innovative solutions in the search for substitute materials and/or processes, especially with the aim to reduce the environmental impact and promote circular economy
- Organization technology monitoring on R&D
- Project management
- Utilization of codes and tools for communication and team management
- Professional communication in English
The Master Advanced 3D/2D materials and processes offers 8 courses. Fourteen weeks (480h) of courses are taught at the University, spread on 5 periods of three weeks (except the last, of two weeks). A large part of the teaching consists of case studies and practical work. Thirty-eight weeks are allocated to apprenticeship.
Scientific Knowledge
UE 1 Additive manufacturing
- 90 hrs – 9 ECTS
UE 2 Porous systems and related processes
- 90 hrs – 9 ECTS
UE 3 Blends and composites
- 60 hrs – 6 ECTS
UE 4 Functional surface processes
- 60 hrs – 6 ECTS
Transversal skills
UE 5 Project management and communication
- 60 hrs – 6 ECTS
UE 6 English
- 30 hrs – 3 ECTS
Implementation of skills
UE 7 Tutored project
- 90 hrs – 6 ECTS
UE 8 Apprenticeship
- 38 weeks – 15 ECTS
Guillaume SUDRE
Professor Assistant
Head of M2 Advanced 3D/2D Materials and Processes
04 72 43 15 67
Administrative director of the training
04 26 23 44 25
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Bâtiment Polytech
Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères (UMR CNRS 5223)
15 Bd A. Latarjet, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex